Mobile Wallet Marketing Vs. Mobile App Marketing Comparison
Building and supporting a mobile app can be expensive, time consuming, and often brings little to no ROI for your business, unless you are large enough that you already have a user base that will download, install AND use your app.
72% of mobile apps that actually manage to get installed on a users device NEVER GET USED ONCE. Nope, not one single time. On the bright side, 28% of apps do get used one time or more! Err, I guess that depends on which side of the fence your app lands on that determines how you feel about mobile app marketing.
There are more than 1.5 million apps in both the App Store and Google Play. And we can’t all be Angry Birds. Or Candy Crush Saga. Or Google Maps. Or Facebook Messenger. It’s just not possible.
What’s Best for Your Business?
How do you, the business owner, decide whether or not you’re going to spend the money to build an app? Or do you decide to leverage the tech talent and distribution networks of companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung?
Nearly EVERY iPhone in use today already has Passbook (soon to be known as Apple Wallet when iOS9 is released in a few weeks) already installed – it can’t be removed and 90% of the passes that are added to it are never deleted. This means that a tremendous number of iPhone are being engaged via mobile wallet marketing instead of mobile app marketing, and that number is growing every day.
What are the benefits of running a mobile wallet marketing campaign instead of deciding to attempt your hand at mobile app marketing? How does mobile wallet marketing work with the Apple Watch or other devices?
We look at these topics and more on this weeks episode of Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy!