Retail Challenges, the "Best of" Episodes

Retail Challenges, the “Best of” Episodes – (ep 106)

Jan 1, 2020

Show Notes | Episode 106 | Retail Challenges: "Best of" Episodes | Episode Link URL – | We're starting off the new year (and new decade!) with a fantastic primer on using mobile ads in your retail business. Listen to clips from three of the best retail marketing episodes in the archives!
Retail Challenges, the
Mobile Ads & Marketing
Retail Challenges, the "Best of" Episodes - (ep 106)

Let’s face it, friends, retail is some really hard work.

Happy new year, happy new decade!  We’re here to talk about some of the best mobile strategies in the face of retail challenges in marketing today.  We’ve pulled clips from three of our best, most listened-to episodes, and have created a mini-course in the fundamentals of mobile advertising for the best results.

[LISTEN: More “Best of” series – Online Coaching and Course Marketing – PODCAST EPISODE]

Whether you have a grocery, a shoe store, a hair salon (ok, that’s kind of service industry but still qualifies as retail industry in our book), or some other public facing, individual consumer type of business, this episode is designed to give you an overview of how you can use mobile to your advantage and really see results with some of the most common retail challenges.

As we wind down from a holiday season that might not be as good as you had hoped, making your plans for the new year and getting that strong follow through beginning this week is a key to having a strong showing for 2020.

Mistakes, retail challenges, disasters…  retail is full of them

It’s pretty easy to get into a bad situation in your operation, all it really takes is one flubbed order and you can find yourself with tons of unsold – and unsellable – inventory.  You could lose control of labor costs, you could forget that you had quarterly taxes to pay (not everyone has a dedicated accountant, we know!), or who knows what kind of unintended consequence could knock you off your game plan.  It happens.  All the darn time.

The shoppers journey can occasionally be a really challenging one, and we often fail to recognize when we have a good foundation to build upon – especially if it’s an unfamiliar component like mobile advertising.   We’ve pulled clips from three of our favorite episodes to help you understand the concepts and learn to implement campaigns for great results.

This episode is a fantastic, fact and fun filled way to get your toes wet; you’ll likely want to listen to more of the archives after this, especially if your retail business isn’t doing as well as you want it to at the moment.

Mobile Marketing: A Weapon in the Retail Arsenal

The retail landscape is ever-changing, and in recent times, it’s faced a barrage of challenges. From the rise of e-commerce giants to shifting consumer preferences, brick-and-mortar stores and even online retailers are constantly looking for ways to stay relevant and competitive. This is where mobile marketing steps in, offering a dynamic set of tools to overcome these retail challenges and propel retail growth.

Reaching Customers Everywhere:

One of the biggest advantages of mobile marketing is its ubiquity. With smartphones glued to their hands, consumers are constantly reachable. Mobile marketing allows retailers to target customers with personalized messages and promotions, right when they’re most likely to be receptive. Imagine a customer browsing travel shoes online receiving a notification from a nearby store offering a discount on the exact pair they’re considering. This level of targeted reach can significantly increase brand awareness and drive sales.

Building Loyalty and Engagement:

Mobile marketing goes beyond just sending ads. It allows retailers to build deeper relationships with their customers. Loyalty programs, accessible through mobile apps, can incentivize repeat purchases and encourage brand advocacy. Personalized recommendations based on past purchases or browsing behavior can create a more engaging shopping experience. Push notifications can keep customers informed about sales, new arrivals, or special events, fostering a sense of connection with the brand.

Bridging the Gap Between Online and Offline:

Mobile marketing excels at blurring the lines between online and physical stores. Features like click-and-collect, where customers order online and pick up in store, can incentivize online shoppers to visit physical locations. Mobile apps can guide customers in-store with location-based navigation or offer augmented reality experiences to enhance product visualization. This seamless omnichannel approach can cater to a wider range of customer preferences and drive sales across both online and offline channels.

Data-Driven Decisions:

Mobile marketing platforms provide a wealth of customer data. By analyzing browsing behavior, purchase history, and app usage, retailers can gain valuable insights into customer preferences and buying habits. This data can be used to personalize marketing campaigns, optimize product offerings, and improve the overall customer experience. Imagine tailoring email promotions based on a customer’s recent searches, significantly increasing the chances of a successful purchase.

Addressing Specific Retail Challenges:

Mobile marketing can be a targeted weapon against specific retail challenges. For instance, struggling brick-and-mortar stores can leverage location-based marketing to attract customers in the vicinity. E-commerce retailers facing fierce competition can use targeted ads and personalized offers to stand out from the crowd. Mobile marketing empowers retailers to adapt their strategies based on specific needs and retail challenges.

However, mobile marketing isn’t a silver bullet. Ensuring user privacy and avoiding intrusive marketing tactics is crucial. Building a strong mobile presence and creating valuable content for users are key to success.

In conclusion, mobile marketing offers a powerful arsenal of tools for retailers facing an ever-evolving landscape. By leveraging its reach, engagement-building capabilities, and data-driven insights, retailers can overcome challenges, build stronger customer relationships, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth in today’s competitive environment. As mobile technology continues to evolve, mobile marketing will undoubtedly remain a vital weapon in the retail industry’s fight for success.

So grab your headphones and a hot cuppa, and get down to business with this compilation episode!
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