Realtor Marketing During a Down Market

Savviest Realtor Marketing During a Down Market (ep 96)

Aug 14, 2019

Show Notes | Episode 97 | Realtor Marketing When the Market is Down | Episode Link URL – | When the market takes a turn for the worse, realtor marketing takes on a whole new set of challenges. Find out how to prepare early for the extra workload.
Realtor Marketing During a Down Market
Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy
Savviest Realtor Marketing During a Down Market (ep 96)

Realtor marketing is about to get tougher in most markets.

In the US and Canada, we seem to be entering a housing slowdown, for any number of reasons – price increases are too rapid, inventory on the low end is too scarce, foreign investors have been pushed out of the market by taxes or their home economies, you name it.   All of these things contribute to making realtor marketing a bit harder than it was a year ago, or even half a year ago.

[LISTEN: “Best of” Series – Real Estate Marketing and Advertising – PODCAST EPISODE]

None of this really matters if you are a realtor, real estate agent, or broker.  All that you (rightfully) should care about is whether or not you and your agents or team are up to the challenge of continuing to do well in a down market.  We’re not talking rocket science here, but we are talking about doing a LOT more than just hanging a for sale sign in the front yard and waiting on the offers to come rolling in for the purchase.

Good realtor marketing starts with – at least for potential listing agents – making your prospective sellers understand that you are going to go the extra mile for them, and make sure that you get their property in front of as many eyeballs as possible.  Whether that means a single property listing website, a mobile notifications campaign, inclusion in your print ads, whatever, it is important that you stand out when a seller is interviewing agents or brokers before making a decision about who to list the property with for sale.

In this episode of the podcast, we break down some common misconceptions about realtor marketing and why it’s important to be organized, understand available technology, and (hahaha, of course there is an and!) to present yourself as an expert in your area when it comes to getting listed properties sold quickly and for top dollar.

Here are the top 10 ideas in realtor marketing for August 2019:

1. Leverage Social Media Savvy:

  • Utilize high-quality visuals showcasing properties on Facebook, Instagram, and local platforms.
  • Run targeted social media ads to reach potential buyers in specific neighborhoods or with desired features.
  • Engage with followers through live Q&A sessions or property tours.

2. Content Marketing for Credibility:

  • Establish yourself as a local market expert by creating informative blog posts or videos on buying, selling, and the local housing market.
  • Offer free downloadable resources like “neighborhood guides” or “first-time homebuyer checklists.”
  • Partner with local businesses for co-created content relevant to the real estate market.

3. Embrace Email Marketing:

  • Build an email list through website sign-ups or lead magnets (valuable content offered in exchange for contact information).
  • Segment your audience for targeted email campaigns based on interests or location.
  • Showcase new listings, market updates, and open house announcements through engaging email newsletters.

4. Virtual Tours Go Mainstream:

  • Utilize high-quality virtual tour technology to allow potential buyers to explore properties remotely.
  • Offer 3D virtual tours for a more immersive experience, especially for out-of-town buyers.
  • Promote virtual tours on social media and listing platforms to increase reach.

5. Personalization is Key:

  • Tailor your marketing messages to specific buyer personas (e.g., first-time buyers, investors, luxury home seekers).
  • Leverage data analytics to understand online behavior and target potential clients accordingly.
  • Offer personalized recommendations based on past searches or conversations.

6. Partner with Local Businesses:

  • Collaborate with mortgage lenders, title companies, and home stagers to offer a one-stop shop for homebuyers.
  • Organize joint events or workshops on topics relevant to real estate.
  • Cross-promote each other’s services to a wider audience.

7. Video Marketing Gains Traction:

  • Create engaging video content showcasing properties, neighborhoods, or your expertise.
  • Utilize video testimonials from satisfied clients to build trust and credibility.
  • Run video ads or share them on social media platforms like YouTube.

8. Embrace Paid Advertising Strategies:

  • Invest in targeted pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on search engines like Google to reach potential buyers actively searching for homes in your area.
  • Explore retargeting campaigns to reconnect with website visitors who showed initial interest.

9. Leverage Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

  • Utilize CRM software to manage leads, track interactions with potential clients, and personalize communication.
  • Automate tasks like email follow-ups and nurture leads through the sales funnel.
  • Gain valuable data insights to improve your marketing effectiveness.

10. Mobile Marketing Optimization:

  • Ensure your website and marketing materials are optimized for mobile devices, as many users browse for homes on their smartphones.
  • Offer a mobile app or develop a user-friendly mobile website for easy access to listings and contact information.
  • Engage with potential clients through text message marketing if regulations in your area permit.
So grab your headphones and spend the next 20 minutes with us while we talk about realtor marketing in a slow housing market!
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