Six Strange Podcasts You Probably Haven't Heard of Yet

6 Strange Podcasts You Probably Haven’t Heard of (Yet) (ep 91)

May 22, 2019

Show Notes | Episode 91 | 6 Strange Podcasts You Probably Haven't Heard of (Yet) | Episode Link URL – If you ever wondered what kind of strange podcasts might be out in the wild, now's your chance to find out about six of them. Yep, we did the research for you.
Six Strange Podcasts You Probably Haven't Heard of Yet
6 Strange Podcasts You Probably Haven't Heard of (Yet) (ep 91)

Strange podcasts aren’t that hard to find.

On the other hand, GOOD strange podcasts are a little bit more elusive out in the wild.  We have, however, in the latest episode of our podcast, decided to research a few and put them forth for your listening, and possibly critiquing, pleasure.

[LISTEN: “Best of Marketing” podcasts, Part 1 – PODCAST EPISODE]

As a matter of fact there are so many podcasts, not all of which made it past the first couple of episodes, available at the moment that it is nearly impossible to find anything.  Big budget productions from NPR, TAL, Gimlet and so on are the standard bearers for the homogenization and commercialization of what was once very much a cottage industry.  Yeah, same thing with blogs, apps, social media and legal weed… we know.

If you’re in the mood to listen to some strange podcasts, we’re starting you off with an oddity, well, A Box of Oddities, to be precise.  Then we’re segueing into The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air to really get things moving.  Both of these series are seriously offbeat yet fairly high on the thought provoking scale.  We like them.

Good strange podcasts, on the other hand, are a different story.

If that weren’t enough, we’re heading down the road with The Fruits of Madness, and following it up with the story of The White Whale.  No, really, this is how we’re running the middle of this episode about strange podcasts.  In case you’re wondering, there’s no Ahab in the Whale but there are musical bits and interviews and an overall strange vibe to it, so it was right up Hazel’s alley.

We’re closing out with reviews of My Favorite Murders and The Weird History Podcast – both of these shows are intriguing and nicely done from a production standpoint; it’q quite likely that you’ll be interested in subscribing to one or both of them after you hear our reviews.

The Allure of the Odd: Why Strange Podcasts Captivate Listeners

In the ever-expanding world of podcasts, where content creators vie for attention, a curious trend emerges: the success of “strange” podcasts. These shows delve into the unexplained, explore the fringes of human experience, and embrace the bizarre, captivating a dedicated audience. Here’s a deeper look at the factors fueling the popularity of these unconventional audio experiences:

A Feast for the Curious Mind:

Humans are inherently curious creatures. Strange podcasts tap into this primal urge for exploration, offering a window into the unknown. They tackle topics like conspiracy theories, unexplained phenomena, the paranormal, or the dark corners of the internet. For listeners yearning to delve beyond the mundane, these shows provide a thrilling escape and a chance to explore the fringes of human knowledge.

A Community of the Unconventional:

For listeners who find mainstream topics dull, strange podcasts offer a sense of belonging. They connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share a fascination with the unusual. These communities foster lively online discussions, shared experiences, and an appreciation for the offbeat. Listeners no longer feel alone in their curiosity about the bizarre, finding validation and connection within their unique online tribe.

Laughter Through the Lens of the Absurd:

Many strange podcasts don’t shy away from humor. They approach their bizarre subject matter with a lighthearted touch, using wit and irony to turn the unsettling into the entertaining. This unexpected blend of humor and unsettling topics creates a unique listening experience – listeners can laugh along at the absurdity while still feeling a tingle of intrigue or unease.

A Moment Away from the Mundane:

Life often feels overwhelming, filled with repetitive routines and daily pressures. Strange podcasts offer a much-needed escape from reality. By immersing oneself in the bizarre, the listener can temporarily detach from their daily worries and explore a world of the unusual. It’s a refreshing break from the ordinary, allowing them to de-stress and recharge.

Discovery and Conversation Starters:

These unconventional programs expose listeners to new ideas, perspectives, and narratives. They spark unique conversations, encouraging listeners to share their own experiences and interpretations of the strange topics presented. This fosters intellectual curiosity and can lead to fascinating discussions about the world around us. Whether it’s dissecting a conspiracy theory or debating the validity of a paranormal encounter, these podcasts create engaging conversation starters that go beyond the typical watercooler chat.

The Power of Authenticity:

Many strange podcast hosts wear their genuine interest and passion for their niche topics on their sleeves. Their enthusiasm is infectious, drawing listeners in and fostering a sense of trust. Listeners appreciate hosts who are unafraid to explore the fringes and challenge conventional thinking.

A Niche with a Loyal Following:

The podcasting landscape caters to a vast array of interests. By focusing on a specific niche, strange podcasts attract a dedicated audience who share their fascination with the unusual. This loyal following drives repeat listenership, positive reviews, and word-of-mouth recommendations, propelling the show’s growth and popularity within its unique community.

The rise of strange podcasts demonstrates that sometimes, the most unconventional paths lead to unexpected success. By tapping into our natural curiosity, fostering a sense of community, and providing a refreshing escape from the ordinary, these shows carve out a valuable space in the audio world, reminding us that a little bit of strangeness can go a long way in capturing the listener’s imagination.

So grab your earphones, your belly laughs, and your suspension of belief so you can settle in and listen to the latest podcast episode! 
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