Crafting Your Story: Compel Shoppers to Become Buyers

Crafting Your Story: Compel Shoppers to Become Buyers (ep 83)

Jan 16, 2019

Show Notes | Episode 83 | Crafting Your Story: Compel Shoppers to Become Buyers | Episode Link URL – | Compelling shoppers to become buyers relies upon the use of a well crafted story - one that accurately reflects who you and your company are and what you have to offer prospective customers.
Crafting Your Story: Compel Shoppers to Become Buyers
Crafting Your Story: Compel Shoppers to Become Buyers (ep 83)

Compel shoppers to become buyers… if it were only that simple.

If you’re in the business of selling things – whether it’s a product or a service, you’ve probably already heard – a million times at least – that having a good story is what makes the difference in whether or not people will actually buy what you are trying to sell them.  You must compel shoppers in order for them to become buyers.

[LISTEN: Integrate CTAs for compelling mobile engagement – PODCAST EPISODE

We are taking a closer look at what makes a good story, an honest story – one that rings true with prospects and is true to your business philosophy and mission statement.  But how do you determine what makes a good story?  One that will compel shoppers to become your buyers, and keep them coming back to do business with you again and again?

On this episode of the podcast, we’re going to talk about how to craft a story that will help you engage with prospects, customers and referrals, and how you can employ that story to generate more sales and better conversions while you compel shoppers to become repeat buyers.

Changing hearts and changing minds

Everyone from Google to AdAge to Forbes spends a lot of time talking about telling stories. So it’s kind of a nebulous concept, which can become a bit of a daunting task for people who haven’t done story based marketing in the past and might not know where to start or how to create a story that actually helps to convince people to take the next step, which is making that purchase.

It’s impossible to run a successful business if no one is buying what you are selling, and for most businesses, there is a finite number of people who are in their target demographic.

In order to compel shoppers to become buyers, take a few minutes to listen and learn what you can do to prepare your story and your business to become part of the conversation and not just a lot of noise.

From Browsing Thumbs to Loyal Customers: Mastering Mobile Marketing To Compel Shoppers to Become Buyers

The battlefield of retail has shifted – it’s now in the palm of your customers’ hands. Turning curious mobile shoppers into loyal, paying customers requires a strategic approach that leverages the power of mobile marketing. Here’s a roadmap packed with strategies to transform those browsing sessions into happy clicks and ringing cash registers:

Craft a Mobile-First Experience:

  • Responsive Website Design: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and offers a seamless shopping experience across all devices. Frustrated shoppers on slow-loading pages simply tap away.
  • Mobile App Magic: Consider developing a user-friendly mobile app that allows customers to browse products, access exclusive deals, and complete purchases with ease. Push notifications can keep them informed of promotions and new arrivals.
  • Click-to-Call Functionality: Make it easy for mobile shoppers to connect with your store. Implement click-to-call buttons throughout your website and mobile app, allowing them to speak with a knowledgeable salesperson for personalized assistance.

The Art of Strategic Mobile Merchandising:

  • High-Quality Product Images: Mobile screens are smaller, so high-quality product photos are essential. Showcase products from multiple angles and include zoom functionality for detailed viewing.
  • Mobile-Optimized Product Descriptions: Keep product descriptions concise and informative, highlighting key features and benefits relevant to mobile users.
  • Shoppable Social Media: Utilize platforms like Instagram Shopping to allow customers to discover and purchase products directly through social media posts.

Urgency and Scarcity on the Go:

  • Flash Sales and Mobile App Exclusives: Offer exclusive flash sales or limited-time discounts accessible only through your mobile app. This incentivizes app downloads and encourages immediate action.
  • Live Shopping Events: Host live shopping events on social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok. This interactive format allows real-time product demonstrations, answers questions, and creates a sense of urgency with limited-time offers during the live stream.
  • Geo-Targeted Mobile Ads: Leverage geo-targeted mobile advertising to reach potential customers near your physical store or browsing relevant product categories online. Targeted ads with special offers can entice them to visit your store or complete a purchase on the spot.

The Power of Social Proof in Your Pocket:

  • User-Generated Content Contests: Encourage customers to share photos or videos using your products on social media with a branded hashtag. Run contests with attractive prizes to incentivize participation and generate user-generated content that builds trust and authenticity.
  • Mobile App Reviews and Ratings: Positive reviews and ratings on your mobile app store listing are crucial for building trust with potential customers. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and address any negative feedback promptly.

Building Relationships on the Mobile Move:

  • Mobile Loyalty Programs: Integrate your loyalty program with your mobile app, allowing customers to easily track points, redeem rewards, and access exclusive offers directly from their phones. This gamifies the shopping experience and fosters brand loyalty.
  • Personalized Push Notifications: Utilize push notifications on your mobile app to send targeted promotions, product recommendations, or abandoned cart reminders based on individual customer behavior and preferences.
  • SMS Marketing: Text message marketing allows for permission-based communication with customers. Send exclusive offers, flash sale alerts, or order status updates directly to their phones. However, ensure your messages are valuable and avoid being spammy.

The Art of the Mobile Follow-Up:

  • Post-Purchase Mobile Engagement: Engage with customers after their purchase through mobile marketing. Send SMS messages thanking them for their business, offer helpful product care tips, or recommend complementary items. This fosters positive relationships and increases the chances of repeat purchases.

By implementing these mobile marketing strategies, retailers can create a seamless shopping experience, leverage the power of smartphones, and build trust with customers. Remember, the journey from window shopper to loyal customer now starts on a mobile device. By providing value, fostering trust, and creating a sense of urgency through mobile marketing, retailers can effectively compel shoppers to become loyal, paying customers.

So grab your earbuds and settle in for this weeks new episode!
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