Automobile dealers have it rough these days.
It’s not enough that being a used car salesman is being the butt of many cocktail party jokes; competition from other automobile dealers, owner sales, and the internet all help to bring down the profit margins of every dealer pretty much on the planet.
[LISTEN: Automobile dealerships and the mobile wallet pass – PODCAST]
This episode is not just for dealerships that have a marketing budget with designated marketing exec or a marketing agency but for smaller dealerships that probably don’t have the same resources to manage tactics involving digital or mobile marketing.
Marketing is a tough nut to crack for automobile dealers.
Marketing and advertising is expensive, and it’s almost like they just cannot do enough of it any more. Radio, TV, print, mailers, you name it, it’s all on the table in mass quantities. The ad budget at the typical dealership is a giant portion of overall expenditures and not one that can be reduced successfully in most cases.
Or is it?
As technologies continue to advance, not only in cars but in the way we buy them. having reasons & ways for prospects to keep in touch with you and not the next door dealership is easier when marketing is designed to work to mobile.
53% of car buyers use a mobile device prior to purchase – in all demographics, not just for research but for engagement, meaning dealers can reach there prospects.
A car purchase is major one for most people and their voice wants to be heard. Dealerships are motivated to have consumers leave reviews of the dealerships. Use mobile to lead consumers to access your reviews and referrals.
An addition to better communicate with prospects is to provide options that engage and are already optimized for a mobile device.
That’s right – better communication, more referrals, customer advocacy and viral marketing are all on the table in this weeks episode of Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy –