Apr 21, 2013 | The Domino Effect
So it’s happened this week — Apple pulls the plug on an app that was previously approved, has more than ten million downloads and may, depending on how you categorize it, either be gaming the system (who isn’t, really) or offering a valuable service...
Apr 19, 2013 | The Domino Effect
Last week I wrote a blog discussing who has the most traffic as the battle rages on between iOS and Android. Today I’d like to cover the marketing benefits that HTML5 has over native apps. Although the battle within the app ecosystem to get discovered is a battle upon...
Apr 17, 2013 | The Domino Effect
Update, 04/18/13 – It’s being reported by tech news outlets that Apple has disabled push notifications for the AppGratis users who have previously downloaded and installed the app. Does this mean that AppGratis is going to owe a LOT of refunds to...
Mar 10, 2013 | The Domino Effect
So in the sales world, there’s a proscribed method to working with the law of averages and getting a solid conversion rate established, it’s aptly called the 5 Steps to a Sale. The steps are: Introduction Pitch Quality Close Rehash I’m going to talk...
Oct 22, 2012 | Location & Proximity, The Domino Effect
Make Sure Your App’s Homepage Looks as Good as it’s Product Page When users and bloggers want to check out your app before they commit to a download they want to not only check out your app page that best describes your app but also they want to check out...