Jan 16, 2014 | The Domino Effect
Apple Settles With FTC After Kids Spend Millions Of Parents’ Dollars On App Store Purchases. http://google.com/producer/s/CBIwqqa-kRA Posted remotely
Jun 18, 2013 | The Domino Effect
In the world of competitive app distribution, rankings are always something of major concern. So much so that once in a while, you want to take a client by the shoulders and shake them until the lightbulb goes off and they start to realize that rankings alone do not...
May 14, 2013 | The Domino Effect
Back in March, I started a series of posts about selling your app to your target market. We’ll discuss your target market in a different post; this one is about step two, The Pitch, and how to craft a pitch that gets the users’ attention and moves them a...
Apr 24, 2013 | The Domino Effect
Ouch. The BBC announced last week that there will be no paid apps and no advertising allowed in Google Glass. What does this actually mean for would-be developers and potential consumers? Is this a play by Google to lull purchasers into buying the much hyped,...
Apr 23, 2013 | The Domino Effect
At the start of 2013, I predicted in an earlier blog that strong competition will continue between iOS and Android, along with Android tablets taking a lead over iPad. It looks like mobile ads are coming on strong as promised by 2013 reports in the industry....