Make Sure Your App’s Homepage Looks as Good as it’s Product Page

When users and bloggers want to check out your app before they commit to a download they want to not only check out your app page that best describes your app but also they want to check out your webpage.  Your webpage signifies that you’ve taken the time and put in the effort to create a ‘support center’ for your app, and created it a home of its’ own.

The webpage is an extension of your app and you want to showcase it as advantageously as possible. Have your App Webpage and App Product page be consistent. Triple check that all your links are correctly working, including your contact page. It is best to provide a real working email address that you check on a regular basis. I don’t recommend using an email form in place, as it comes across as automated and shabby. Instead, use a customer support help desk like

Creating your apps webpage and app product page is created from your brand’s image.  Make sure they match and that you’ve taken the time to create a ‘home’ you want visitors to see.