Oct 25, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, The Domino Effect
Toronto and Tech, Sidewalk Labs is changing the landscape… …that Torontonians desperately need. Its a few years since I lived in Toronto and there’s continually been a question is how to develop Toronto’s Waterfront. Revitalizing Toronto’s waterfront is an...
Oct 14, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Cannabis Culture
Cannabis Banking: The Cole Memo + FinCEN Reporting We’re talking about cannabis banking and what the options might be. It’s a common misconception among, well, among nearly everyone really, that banks “can’t” open accounts for cannabis...
Sep 29, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Location & Proximity
50th Episode! We’re celebrating! And it’s all about museums using mobile wallets. That’s right, we’ve made it to another milestone! Honestly, we don’t normally pay much attention to the episode count, but today it is our 50th episode and...
Sep 15, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Realtor Marketing
What tools are real estate agents using to out compete other agents? Its actually a little dirty secret that we want to share… as it seems that real estate agents, realtors want to use anything they can in their arsenal of tools – to get the listing and to sell...
Sep 6, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Canada
Canada’s proposed legislation for planning to make cannabis legal July 2018 What does it say? What considerations are not mentioned? Where do we go from here ? The proposed legislation came out to make cannabis recreational in Canada on April 2017. Since then,...