Apr 14, 2018 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing
Marketing is changing and voice allows for more engagement to your device. Companies, SMBs, retailers all need to get with it.
Jul 21, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Retail
Loyalty Marketing Setup on Mobile For any company putting a loyalty program in place should work to not only receive returning customers but in increase their total overall purchases. What’s the current state of your customer loyalty program? How often...
Jun 16, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Retail
What is an Apple Pay loyalty program, and what does it take to create one? To start, the term Apple Pay loyalty program is a bit of a misnomer, but its the type of phrase that people search for on Google or Bing, when they are trying to figure out how to use Apple...
Jan 13, 2017 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Location & Proximity
I speak to many companies and discuss ways to help companies gain more on their ad spend by thinking mobile-first. We provide examples and ways other businesses are using mobile wallet passes to engage with their client base. During our break I was able to get some...
Sep 28, 2016 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, iOooohhhEssss, News & Views
Mobile wallet passes and Apple Pay. A match made in heaven. We’re big proponents of mobile wallet passes, that much is probably obvious if you’ve ever read a blog entry or listened to one of our podcasts. And mobile wallet passes got a big shot in the...