Crystal Ball, 2013 Edition

Crystal Ball, 2013 Edition

Musings on the upcoming year… 1 – Although Apple released its iOS6 and iPhone 5 in the fall of 2012. We are still waiting for the trickledown effect to see how iPhone 5 will perform with new technologies in place, such as PassPort 2-There will be more of app...
Crystal Ball, 2013 Edition

Creating an Effective Sales Pitch

Ok, I’m ready to launch!  Now what? Your app has been developed and tested and it is now ready for launch. With many trade shows and conferences coming up in the next year, you will want to make a big splash when introducing your app to the ecosystem and make...

Color Me Clever

What does your icon color say about your app? Your icon is a representation of your apps identity, its branding.  Color plays to an important physiological advantage. Use this to your advantage when branding your app. When watching TV, the actors’ attire is entirely a...

Location, Location, Location

Make Sure Your App’s Homepage Looks as Good as it’s Product Page When users and bloggers want to check out your app before they commit to a download they want to not only check out your app page that best describes your app but also they want to check out...