Feb 16, 2016 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Marketing Strategies, News & Views, The Domino Effect
On the other hand, tasks such as storing a loyalty card and using a “tap and pay” method to pay with their phone increased. For example, in 2014, one-third of respondents said they stored a loyalty card using their digital wallet. By 2015, that increased by 9...
Feb 8, 2016 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, iOooohhhEssss, News & Views
After some fairly modest sales (or so its estimated, Apple doesn’t exactly push these figures out into the wild) for the first gen Apple Watch, what’s up for the next go round? APPLE WATCH 2: MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS EXPECTED OVER FIRST-GENERATION DEVICE, FINAL...
Feb 6, 2016 | News & Views, The Domino Effect
Older article but still relevant this month – As an online browsing tool, mobile for the first time exceeded desktop shopping visits on Thanksgiving at 57 percent, driven by increased use of smartphones at 43 percent, while tablets were at 14 percent, according...
Feb 5, 2016 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, iOooohhhEssss, News & Views, The Big G(oogle)
New year, old news… Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Paypal, Android Pay, bank initiated mobile apps, they are all here to help! Apple Pay, launched in the US in October 2014, has about a year’s headstart over Samsung Pay, which hit the US this past September. In...
Feb 2, 2016 | √ The World of Mobile Wallet Marketing, Marketing Strategies, News & Views, The Domino Effect
MobilePaymentsToday has a great article about the ever increasing use of beacons in the retail environment. Retailers find their sea legs with beacons for mobile engagement “Mobile engagement will dominate many conversations at this gabfest as...