Mobile Notifications Fill in the Gaps at Events

Mobile Notifications Fill in the Gap at Events (ep 81)

Dec 12, 2018

Show Notes | Episode 81 | Mobile Notifications Fill in the Gap at Events | Episode Link URL – | Mobile notifications are an easy way to keep things on track at your events, and to promote your next event to alumni attendees.
Mobile Notifications Fill in the Gaps at Events
Events Marketing
Mobile Notifications Fill in the Gap at Events (ep 81)

Mobile notifications are a powerful tool to connect and engage with customers.

If you’re not familiar with how mobile notifications work, then you’re going to love the latest episode of the podcast!  We’re talking all things mobile, all things lock screen, and we’ve chosen to talk about a real estate broker client of ours who perfectly illustrates the right way to use mobile notifications and lock screen captions to reach out to customers and prospects.

[LISTEN: The Best of Marketing Podcast Episodes, Part 1 – POCAST EPISODE]

Proximity marketing, location based marketing, geo-caching, geo-fencing, iBeacons, Eddystone beacons – these are all part and parcel of the terminology used to talk about marketing to consumers where they are.  And yes, we mean that literally.  If you have a customer who is standing on the corner by your shop, then you should be able to (and doing it!) send them a message reminding them that you’re just around the corner and they should pop in to see what you’ve got going on.

Real estate offers a multitude of opportunities to use mobile notifications to help clients buy and sell properties more easily, more efficiently, and in less time from listing to close (mostly in the part between listing and offer accepted if we’re being honest, but the other bit sure does sound great, eh?) on average.

What exactly do mobile notifications offer for the average small business owner?

Wow, we thought you’d never ask!  If you have a brick and mortar component to your business (real estate, for instance, is all about selling bricks AND mortar!), then you should seriously be looking at using mobile ad campaigns to generate excitement, interest and more enthusiasm from your listers and your prospective buyers.

We’re not here to tell you that you’re doing it all wrong – but we are here to tell you that you could be doing it so much more ‘right’ that it will blow your mind.  When was the last time you took a long look at your marketing and sales collateral and gauged whether or not it was modern, to the point, and most of all, effective?

Don’t Let Them Miss a Beat: Mastering Mobile Notifications for Event Success

In today’s hyper-connected world, smartphones are an extension of ourselves. For event organizers, this constant connectivity presents a powerful opportunity: mobile notifications. These targeted messages, delivered directly to attendees’ pockets, can be the difference between a good event and a truly phenomenal one. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to leverage mobile notifications to supercharge your event’s success:

Fueling Engagement: Keeping Attendees Informed and Involved

Mobile notifications are a game-changer for keeping attendees informed and actively engaged throughout your event. They offer a convenient and timely way to deliver crucial information and foster participation:

  • Beat the Confusion: Combat the chaos of a bustling event with timely updates. Send gentle reminders about session times, location changes, or networking opportunities. This ensures attendees are in the right place at the right time and maximizes their experience.
  • Unlock Audience Interaction: Turn passive attendees into actively engaged participants. Utilize notifications to spark audience interaction during presentations. Encourage them to participate in polls, answer live Q&A questions, or provide real-time feedback through surveys. This not only keeps them engaged but also allows you to gather valuable insights for future events.
  • The Power of “FOMO”: Leverage the “fear of missing out” (FOMO) factor with strategic notifications. Highlight exclusive content, announce limited-time offers at sponsor booths, or promote special deals on event merchandise. This creates a sense of urgency and incentivizes attendees to participate in all aspects of the event.

Driving Traffic and Sales: More Than Just Information

Mobile notifications go beyond simply providing information. They can be a powerful tool for driving traffic, promoting sales, and maximizing the event’s return on investment (ROI):

  • Spotlight Sponsors: Partner with sponsors to promote their offerings through targeted notifications. Highlight interesting presentations at their booths, announce exclusive giveaways, or offer attendees a chance to win sponsor-donated prizes. This increases brand awareness for sponsors and drives traffic to their booths.
  • Fuel Concession Sales: Don’t underestimate the power of a well-timed notification. Announce the arrival of a popular food truck, promote special happy hour deals at the concession stand, or offer discounts on event merchandise nearing the end of the day. These targeted messages can significantly boost concession sales and generate additional revenue.
  • Promote Networking Opportunities: Facilitate valuable connections between attendees by leveraging notifications. Highlight upcoming networking events, suggest potential connections based on interests, or announce ice-breaker activities. This fosters a more interactive environment and encourages attendees to network with each other.

Ensuring Safety and Security: A Notification for Every Situation

Mobile notifications can play a crucial role in ensuring attendee safety and security throughout the event:

  • Weather the Storm: Be prepared for unexpected weather changes. Send timely notifications about rain delays, venue changes due to extreme weather, or heat advisories. This keeps attendees informed and allows them to take necessary precautions.
  • Navigate the Unknown: Address logistical challenges with clear communication. Use notifications to inform attendees about venue evacuation procedures, lost and found locations, or first aid stations in case of emergencies. This ensures everyone feels safe and knows where to go in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Real-Time Security Updates: In situations requiring heightened security, leverage mobile notifications for immediate updates. Alert attendees about suspicious activity, lost or stolen items, or restricted areas. This promotes a secure environment and allows attendees to make informed decisions.

Personalization is Key: Tailoring Notifications for Maximum Impact

The magic of mobile notifications lies in their ability to be targeted and personalized. By segmenting your audience based on demographics, interests, or previous event behavior, you can send relevant and impactful messages:

  • Recommend Relevant Sessions: Leverage attendee registration data to personalize notification content. Recommend sessions based on their interests, industry background, or previous event attendance. This ensures they don’t miss presentations that align with their goals.
  • Highlight Speakers They’ll Love: Spark excitement by notifying attendees about speakers they might find particularly interesting. Briefly highlight the speaker’s expertise or share captivating quotes to pique their curiosity and encourage attendance.
  • Offer Exclusive Deals: Reward loyal attendees or early registrants with personalized notifications offering exclusive discounts on merchandise, access to VIP lounges, or free consultations with industry experts. This fosters a sense of appreciation and incentivizes repeat attendance.

By strategically using mobile notifications, you can transform attendees’ phones from passive devices into active tools for a truly enriching event experience. Remember, timely information, engaging content, and a touch of personalization can turn a good event into an unforgettable one. So, don’t let attendees miss a beat – leverage the power of mobile notifications and watch your event engagement soar!

Mobile notifications, when used wisely, can become the silent conductor of your event, keeping attendees informed, fostering participation, and ultimately leading to a resounding success for you and all involved. So, embrace the power of this communication tool, craft compelling messages, and watch your event transform into a vibrant and unforgettable experience.

Not sure about mobile or how to make it work?  No problem!  Grab your earbuds and jump into this week’s podcast episode!
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