5 Things You Must Do to Become a Successful Marketer (ep 66)

May 16, 2018

Show Notes | Episode 66 | 5 Things You Must Do to Become a Successful Marketer | Episode Link URL – https://dominoresearch.com/podcast/5-things-must-do-successful-marketer-66 | We're talking this week on the podcast about how you can organize yourself, your business and your life in a way that will enable you to become a successful marketer without losing your mind in the process. 
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5 Things You Must Do to Become a Successful Marketer (ep 66)

In order to become a successful marketer, there is a very simple list of things you must do.

It’s not a long list, or a complicated one, but these things are mission critical to becoming a successful marketer and seeing your goals – both short and long term – realized.  You’ll need a bit of discipline and the will to do the grunt work repeatedly, but again – this isn’t rocket science and you can be successful before you know it.

[LISTEN: Why Mobile Advertising Works, Part 2 – PODCAST EPISODE]

We have worked with a lot of marketers over the years – some who were downright scary good at the job, and others who really couldn’t sell the proverbial ice water in hell.  There’s no absolute way to approach the tasks at hand, but there is a list of tasks and they need to be tackled in a logical order if you expect to see logical (read: upwards trending) results.

Shift your thinking about successful marketing to include active engagement.

Before you can sell anyone any thing, you need to get them to engage with you on some level.  This holds true no matter what produce, venue, or transaction type.  And every transaction doesn’t include money – let’s keep that in mind as well…

Often times, we forget that information can be its own kind of currency, and if we have information that we can share with prospective customers, that is often enough to get them to start engaging with you on their journey to completing a transaction.

In order to be a successful marketer, you will likely have to train your prospects to respond in the way that you would like; they are not going to be naturally inclined to jump up and follow your lead, unless you happen to be Tony Robbins or someone of that ilk.  (Not saying you aren’t or can’t be, mind you!)

There is certainly more than one way to actively engage a prospective customer or referral.

The faster you learn to build a list of potential engagement types, and the more effectively you can interact with prospects when they choose to engage with you, the better you’ll become at being a successful marketer.

So sit back, grab your earbuds and tune in to the latest podcast episode on Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy!

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