Offline Marketing Integration is Easily Combined for Exciting Customer Experiences

Reaching out to your target audience just got easier with offline marketing integration thats easily combined for exciting customer experiences. This social reach is easy with with a mobile wallet pass.

Customer experience starts with a marketing plan that includes a mobile strategy. One of our clients, Seasonal Lee sells seasonal produce from one Farmer’s Market to another.

Seasonal Lee Pass

Here are 3 ways that offline marketing efforts assist with mobile –

1 – Inspire offline engagement with mobile

Seasonal Lee mentions where she’s going to be and what produce she has on using a mobile pass.

She updates the pass and engages with her valued clients to inform them where she’s going to be. Mobile updates are seen on the lock screen.

Her mobile strategy is:

If I want to get the word out to more people to my visit me at the farmer’s market – I have to reach them on mobile – as its a great way to showcase where I am and what I’m selling that both part fun and interesting.

[Listen to Podcast 23 – How Mobile Affects the Shoppers Journey]

How someone decides they might like to purchase something all the way through making that purchase, and break down the steps where you can step in with a good mobile marketing strategy and move your brand to the top of mind spot.

2- Build Reach Offline

Seasonal Lee –  she’s a big talker. She enjoys speaking to others and find out their stories while selling them her produce and increases her loyal following by making sure that when she hands her clients change(cents) back she asks them to scan the QR code with the signage (printing marketing collateral creates) right by her scales – so people will see it and scan to get the mobile pass into the phone.

Once the passes added into their mobile wallet. She can now engage by sending mobile updates to provide that customer experience. 

Its a great way to minimize advertising costs by carefully targeting prospects and buyers who are likely to respond to where she will be next.

3- Share Features

During the day seasonal lee takes photos of her day to add on her social media channels as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

She uploads these photos and asks her clients to tag themselves. Seasonal lee takes the photos and adds the pass throughout the day onto her social media page. Her engagement increases by sharing her customized wallet pass using the share features thats on the back of a mobile wallet passes.

[PODCAST 40: Listen to exciting customer experiences that are easily found with Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy]

She gets more value using a mobile wallet pass to provide a customer experience and ensure that her ad spend stays the same with one of our subscription packages.

Considering she’s a one – manned operation Seasonal Lee never misses an opportunity to make her marketing efforts easy for herself.

Seasonal Lee builds her mobile strategy using offline marketing strategies to build her audience up and spreads it throughout the community when she goes around to different farmer’s markets.

Her mobile wallet pass does all that  – we work with your product to provide a customer experience that sees bottomline results.