Jan 27, 2014 | Marketing Strategies, News & Views, The Domino Effect
I ran across this article online the other day — its from NBC news and it talks about the data breach at Target, Neiman’s and Michael’s last month. Everyone has heard about it by now, although the finally tally on the card numbers compromised in the...
Jan 27, 2014 | The Domino Effect
After quite a lot of pressure, both Verizon and AT&T agreed last month to issue transparency reports like those that Google has offered for years, and which most of the other large internet companies have started offering in the last year or two. Verizon…
Jan 27, 2014 | News & Views, The Domino Effect
We really like SearchEngineLand’s take on a lot of things. Here ya go — Local SEO Scam Of The Month: Craigslist SEO http://searchengineland.com/local-seo-scam-of-the-month-craigslist-seo-181745 Posted remotely
Jan 26, 2014 | ChaChing! Funded!, Marketing Strategies, News & Views
Testing, testing, 1, 2… If you don’t test, you should. If I had to choose between spending money on new features or testing traffic from my existing traffic, I would nearly always choose the testing. Why throw good money after bad? Freemium users will...
Jan 26, 2014 | News & Views, No Way!, The Domino Effect
We posted about and commented on last month’s debacle with Rap Genius getting (well deserved if you ask me) a G-sized smackdown on the traffic front, this week it’s Expedia taking the hit. Couple that with Matt Cutt’s personal blog warning people...