Mar 27, 2014 | Marketing Strategies, The Domino Effect
Finally, someone else is recognizing the problem with solely focusing on online… even if you’re running an online only business. Comapnies like, Hotel Tonight, Priceline and others have found that a combination of online and traditional media...
Mar 22, 2014 | ChaChing! Funded!, Marketing Strategies, News & Views, The Domino Effect
In addition to purchases like WhatsApp and Oculus, Facebook is starting to make moves to assert itself in the mobile ad space marketplace. Never its strong suit, the company is attempting to leverage it’s incredibly large and diverse user base into more bottom...
Mar 20, 2014 | Marketing Strategies, The Domino Effect
Looking for some hard data about what your users are doing when they’re not using? always has good info and we peruse their email newsletters every day. This article caught my eye as a standout to share. ...
Mar 18, 2014 | News & Views, The Domino Effect
Tablets and phones and terminals, oh my! With the looming transition to new hardware that works with EMV (chip and pin) cards coming for a 2015 adoption date (and shifts the burden of responsibility to the merchants for non-compliance), it’s a race to the death...
Mar 13, 2014 | The Domino Effect
Well, theres always some kind of shenanigans going on in the apps world. I was visiting an incubator last year and one of the companies was working on an app that turned on your phone mic when you were watching tv and attempted to determine what you were watching so...