As digital marketers and entrepreneurs – we like to make our lives easier and automated tools to help along the way are welcomed. Software stacks make it easier to operate our business.
Enter AppSumo – a platform sending daily deals to millions of entrepreneurs to create, grow and scale a business. The deals are reduced pricing are too good to pass up and with a 30 day refund, really there’s not much to lose.
These tech deals can range from a variety of utilities as design, booking appointments, video tools to social add ons. The deals are forever and changing, some features may work for your operations, some may not.
[Read on: @KimStuart12345 rants on how do you know when to switch gears? When do you pivot?]
Startups that partner with App Sumo get an influx of clients wanting software to work well, the first time. Startups see a quick revenue maker with lifetime clients. The only thing is – its not always the case. In fact at times, it feels that we’re paying to be a beta tester.
Deals come with a lifetime access, a huge selling feature for entrepreneurs, one time cost for software that works forever, what ever could go wrong?
Lifetime access is not all its cracked up to be. In some cases, it is a short lifespan. When a startup fixes their bugs or upgrades their software, their expenses increase. Companies change package segments and as a result, features may disappear and the only way to keep them is to pay for the upgrade. 😈 Gotcha!
A startups business model changes and their costs go up, your account becomes a liability. Before you know it, your account gets downgraded and to upgrade it to cover their costs. After paying to be a beta tester, is to pay some more.
[Listen Now: Craft your story to be compelling to customers – on episode 83.]
The length of time before startups make a move can completely differ, is anyone’s guess. Some software we use and not grandfathered-in, we bring to their attention and we are usually able to cut ourselves another discounted deal. Other times, we’ll lose the software or replace with another AppSumo deal that may come down the pipe from one of their competitors.
To set up various software and marketing stacks to automate our business and then to replace it, can be mildly frustration, so our aim is not get into that situation. We want to run it and forget it.