What happens when iBeacons go wrong?

Its been a bit of sell the last few years but its nice finally see expos and conventions using iBeacon technology in the ways that it is intended. This year, CES 2016 is a great example of how they used the iBeacons but what happens when it goes to terribly wrong?

First off – everyone will remember and it will become the “technology” to talk about it recollections of the 2016 CES.

CES iBeacons Hacked

We hear all the time about of the latest of technology can do from a business sidebar CES went outdoor the second year to do in what becoming the CES Scavenger Hunt.

Jeff Joseph, the senior vice president of communications and strategic relationships at CES says ”Beacon technology has taken off since we first used tin 2014. Using proximity beacons to drive a Scavenger Hunt is in line with our show mission — to promote innovation and showcase the latest in emerging technologies.”

This year started off well, as the Radius networks iBeacons were used as the identities of the beacons were hardcoded into the inside of the app. However the app fetches information using the Proximity Kit a cloud based service. With a bunch of code that can bet found here(1)…the information present could be a retrieved from a laptop present inside of CES without having to wander the hallways. Which is exactly what happened.
There were over 1000 beacons dispersed  around the CES venue in the return of the scavenger hunt. Not the largest deployment of iBeacons that we’ve come across, as both Macy’s and Rite Aid have deployed over 4000 in their own environment.