Thursday Evening Hazel Fruitman, spoke in front of San Francisco’s Monthly iOS MeetUp to discuss the basics of Apps in her presentation, Your App in Dollars and Sense. Doing an excellent job of breaking down to identifying two basic marketing and monetization components: written and visual. While exploring the various revenue models and touching on Tap/App Networks.
There were a few demos that caught our eye, Yuchen Wang did a great job explaining why product review sites and apps need a change as he demonstrated his app TaggTo We also heard a great presentation from David Book from BuzzTouch and all the benefits that it has to offer as a community driven developer site. What is great about Buzz Touch is that there are many widgets to create great and useful apps. Also, we heard from Nick Gammell from GAIN Fitness who showed us how well his product is doing through marketing apps the right way, using strategy and monetization methods that work.
Some demos worth mentioning are from the educational app for children to learn Vocabulary with Vocab Tales and the self-learning vocabulary building app, Vocabb.
Special thanks to Carl who hosted a great evening. Looking forward to educating developers again.