Marketing Podcasts with Mobile Wallet Passes (ep 10)

Mar 25, 2016

There are two kinds of podcasts - the ones that market your business, and the ones that are your business. Whether you're generating revenue from ad sales or using your podcast to generate more sales, more hot leads or more interest, adding a mobile wallet marketing component is a smart business move.
Mobile Marketing Podcast Archives
Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy
Marketing Podcasts with Mobile Wallet Passes (ep 10)

In this week’s podcast episode we talk about marketing podcasts.  

Whether you’re using your marketing podcast as another tool to help you generate leads, revenue or interest in your business or if you’re one of the lucky ones doing a podcast that’s self supporting via advertising revenue, we’ve got good news for you.

In case you missed it, the NY Times has started marketing their new podcastModern Love (yes, it’s the one that’s coupled with their long running essay series) – with a mobile wallet pass component.  We take a look at what they did, both right and wrong, and offer some suggestions for a really effective campaign to get more podcast subscribers.

We’ve been advocating the use of mobile wallet passes for marketing podcasts, marketing video or webinar based productions, online courses, pretty much anything that has a semi-regular update and is always looking for better ways to grow your podcast, get more subscribers, attendees or  encourage friendly shares and referrals.

If you’re not familiar with the components of a mobile wallet pass, or even how a mobile wallet works, never fear – we include the wallet primer at the beginning of the show and then get on with the good stuff; how the real magic works when you’re able to reconnect with 90% of your customers and prospects via their smart phone at any time that’s relevant.  

Hit the play button on this weeks episode and see what you’re missing!  

Are you planning to market the podcast, maybe thinking about monetizing it, or looking for a syndication opportunity?

The most important item on your to-do list should be getting your podcast onto a website of its own.  If you want to make the most of your efforts, then you'll want to create a site that is fast, has a great UI/UX, and contains plenty of extras that will keep your listeners coming back for more.

Tap here to speak with a top notch web designer about making your ideas a reality.