Key Takeaways when using Location Based Engagement


To take on a competitive advantage in retail with products and services to manage the shopping experience is a constant shuffling of shelf maintenance, which includes tagging products for sale. It takes a lot to provide the consumer with a shopper’s journey to remember. That’s where location based engagement comes into play as an option to inform and educates consumers of products within the store.

From data collected across our verticals, we go beyond the stats to find out from our clients the key takeaways from using mobile platform and its effectiveness to persuade and educate along the shopper’s path purchase decision.


[LISTEN NOW: Tell your brands story,  provide a hyperlocal connection that provides a customer experience through mobile channels.]


Shopper’s, retailer’s, restaurants, marketers and brands all look towards a mobile channel to be effective with their marketing efforts. Mobile options build engagement and target directly to them with lock screen notifications. We embrace the many ways to use a mobile channel by passing on our knowledge and expertise when using a mobile strategy.

A fundamental of location based engagement is to find the sweet spot of sending off the right message at the right time. We work with our clients to craft a plan that’s effective in hitting your target audience transforms the way you engage.

The demand for it keeps rising as a customer experience starts with mobile to engage along the shopper’s journey. Here are some key takeaways location based engagement is used:

Ways Companies use location based marketing

Companies first consideration is using location based engagement to target ads directly to their consumers at 65% – which is a huge number. It makes messaging a crucial part of the shopper’s journey. As using mobile to provide a customer experience accounts for 47% – that suggests that mobile and proximity work together, hand in hand to provide a valuable shopper’s journey that can no longer be overlooked.

As brand discovery and shopping turns to mobile for its influence, we are seeing an upswing of influencers and brand ambassadors using this combination as 43% to inform and educate their audience.


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Now that companies that use these mobile strategies for some time, are understanding the effectiveness of location based campaigns, the ways to connect are increasing accounting for 33% upswing incentives to sign up for a loyalty program and event reminders which is only going to increase as companies get more familiar with how and when to use mobile to their benefit take on a competitive edge.

These numbers will continue to increase as marketing strategies develop further with the winners being your own customers, engaging them on their smartphone as soon as they enter the store with a lock screen message in hand, will give you the competitive edge your business is craving.

Talk to us about making mobile strategies work with your business, no matter what it is.