Nov 9, 2013 | The Domino Effect
Brian Krebs has yet another fascinating story from the hacking underground, where he’s discovered that hackers appear to have broken into the computer system for CorporateCarOnline, a service that brokers limos around the US, and grabbed a copy of their…
Nov 8, 2013 | The Domino Effect
By Carmel DeAmicis On November 4, 2013Eric Ries, “Lean Startup” thought-leader extraordinaire, has had trouble recruiting speakers for his conference. “I would ask my friends to speak, and they would be really interested. Then I would say, ‘…
Nov 4, 2013 | The Domino Effect
We wrote earlier about the incredible situation in the UK, in which the government there is making the ridiculous argument that it was appropriate to detain Glenn Greenwald’s partner David Miranda at Heathrow under an anti-terrorism law because his…
Oct 13, 2013 | The Domino Effect
This is how Google could potentially disrupt the enterprise IT market: release ultra-cheap Chromebooks with decent specs (including the ability to power the devices up via an Android smartphone charger), sell them to businesses as thin-client replacements…
Oct 13, 2013 | The Domino Effect
Three American winners of the Nobel Prize for Medicine on Monday said scientific progress in the United States is in peril due to unprecedented funding cuts and ideological challenges. The scientists were honored for their work on how cells organize…