Are you finding that your budget is set for the upcoming quarter and finding that marketing costs are skyrocketing but your budget is not?

Google and Facebook ads are starting to creep up and eat in your budget, its harder to see an ROI from it. Are mobile searches working for you company or even provide enough exposure?   Do they even engage with the mobile user?

If your are not thinking of mobile, you should be – thats where people are looking!

Mobile reach can be decided by you, not by Google or Facebook.  Mobile wallet marketing has a consistently high user engagement.

Not matter your SMB, talk to us about taking your marketing strategy to be a mobile one. A cost effective way and convenient method is using a mobile wallet campaign as part of mobile marketing strategy.

[Listen On: Podcast 35 – 4 Simple Steps to a Mobile Strategy]

Today we’ll go over 4 steps to developing a mobile marketing strategy for any SMB. Let’s start with the basics while developing your mobile marketing strategy:

step 1 mobile strategy

 What is the purpose of your mobile marketing campaign?

Its important to know what tactics to use to engage with your clients.

A store front will want to attract more foot traffic, where as an online marketer may want to update your clients with your next bit of content and take them right to your blog, video or podcast 

Those are different things to consider in what direction to take your mobile strategy

step 2 mobile strategy

Where do you currently advertise?

A store front may have a weekly flyer or industry magazine, even a sale sign in your front window to attract foot traffic. 

An online marketer may want to push out a lead magnet thats being currently being campaigned.

step 3 mobile strategy

What are you advertising?

What is the product or service that you want to get to your consumers attention?  How are you going to get them through the door? or signup with a lead magnet?

We work with you, no matter your business to take your current marketing efforts and see what elements from them will work best with a mobile strategy.

step 4 mobile strategy

Share the pass onto social media, integration is easy using a mobile wallet campaign that works with Facebook, Twitter or Instagram business page, a mobile wallet pass, in a couple of taps is all it takes to pass the pass from mobile to social.

[RELATED: Kim developed a worksheet download to determine how any SMB can use a mobile marketing strategy- Check it out!]

There is one more step…

Bonus step to your adding a mobile strategy:

step 5 mobile strategy  Sign up NOW

Just head on over to Mobile Wallet Marketer and 

 Take us for a test drive for 7 days free and we’ll be with you making sure that you develop the best mobile strategy for you business.