Using the Mobile Wallet for Cannabis Advocacy Groups (ep 16)

Jun 1, 2016

Great timing in light of the raids on Toronto dispensaries last week!! In this edition of Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy, Hazel & Kim discuss the ins and outs of successfully using mobile wallet marketing passes to notify and mobilize your membership base if you run a cannabis advocacy group.
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Cannabis Culture
Using the Mobile Wallet for Cannabis Advocacy Groups (ep 16)

Toronto Dispensaries Raided – Cash and Inventory Seized

Toronto Police took an unprecedented step last week when they raided 43 dispensaries and arrested approximately 250 people.

From Leafly — 

Toronto woke up to the aftermath of “Project Claudia” this morning to find more than 250 criminal charges leveled against 90 people arrested at 43 medical marijuana dispensaries across the city yesterday.

How Can Cannabis Advocacy Groups Use Mobile Wallet Marketing Passes to Mobilize Their Members?

Wow, the timing could NOT BE BETTER for this podcast episode – Hazel & Kim are talking practical real world ways that cannabis advocacy groups can utilize mobile wallet marketing passes to communicate, engage and mobilize their member base.

There are a number of things that cannabis advocacy groups can do with mobile wallet marketing passes to help organize and mobilize their member base:

  • Push notifications to alert members to important information
  • Encourage members to attend meetings or fundraisers by including calls to RSVP, addresses that launch Maps, sending out time sensitive reminders, or helping members find their local voting places
  • Educate and inform members when new information is available or new developments have occurred locally, regionally or nationally
  • Send out a call to action when members NEED to take action in order to achieve organizational goals
  • Provide educational opportunities via the live links on the back of the passes – these might include podcast updates, blog updates, surveys, polls, new website releases, and new app releases

Find out more in this episode of Mobile Wallet Marketing Made Easy – be sure to forward the links to anyone managing or organizing a cannabis advocacy group!

If you are an organizer or manager of an advocacy group, and you haven’t worked out a mobile first strategy for your group’s promotion and online management, we’re happy to talk to you and present a variety of options, as well as helping you understand how each of the pieces in the puzzle can be made to fit together –

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